The primary goal of the Max Millenium program is to understand particle acceleration
and explosive energy release in solar flares. Elements of the program are ground-based solar observation, data
analysis, and theory. We will work closely with the NASA HESSI mission and the SOLIS instruments at the National
Solar Observatory during the period of high solar activity from 1999-2004.
A recent set of HXA scans obtained from Yohkoh. The X and Y coordinates are
tilted at 45 degrees from solar NS. The notches in the scans are due to shadows of fiducial grids mounted on the
rear grid plane of the HXT telescope itself. The locations of the limbs and of the fiducial marks are determined
in hardware on board Yohkoh by a simple threshold identification. Also includes the IDL code that generates the
figures. Hugh Hudson (Feb. 18, 1998)