HESSI Image Guide

This document describes the basics for using the HESSI software data analysis software. It describes how to use the command-line user interface hessi_image. To work with hessi_image, IDL version 5.2 or higher must be installed, as well as the solar soft tree with the HESSI branch of the tree. Please note: this guide is frequently modified.

Last modified: Thu Mar 9 09:30:36 2000 (csillag@soleil) Release 4

Table of Contents

First Image

When hessi_image is started for the first time in an sswidl session, an image with all default parameters is created:

IDL> hessi_image, image, parameter

image is an IDL 2D array that contains the reconstructed image; parameter is an IDL structure that contains all metadata associated with the image. Further information is given by:

IDL> help, image, parameter, /STRUCT

To create this first image, the following operations are processed:

The image can be displayed with

IDL> hessi_image, image, /plot

The result will look like this:

HESSI Reconstructed Image

Reconstructing images from the test file

There is a HESSI FITS test file available: telemetry.fits. Once downloaded on a local computer, the image is reconstructed by typing

IDL> hessi_image, image, parameters, FILENAME = 'telemetry.fits', /plot

Changing image reconstruction parameters

The way the image is reconstructed can be modified by overwriting the defaults of the image reconstruction parameters. The available parameter are listed as tag in the structure parameters. The most important are:

For a description of all available parameters, please refer to the reference manual. Parameters are modified by appending the associated name as keywords to hessi_image (see examples).


Sets which detectors to use for creating the photon list. Example:

IDL>hessi_image, image, param, A2D_INDEX_MASK = [0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0]

will create an image using the 3rd, 4th and 5th detector. Default: all detectors selected.


Sets the energy band, in keV, for which the image should be reconstructed. Example:

IDL>hessi_image, image, param, ENERGY_BAND =[7., 50.]

will create an image for the energy band 7keV .. 50 keV. Default: [6., 100.]


Sets the image algorithm used for cleaning the image. Available algorithms are: CLEAN and MEM SATO. Example:

IDL>hessi_image, image, param, IMAGE_ALGORITHM = 'CLEAN'

will use the clean algorithm to restore the image. Default: none, i.e. the image returned is the back-projection.


Sets the image dimension. Usually, the dimension is a power of two. Example:

IDL>hessi_image, image, param, IMAGE_DIM=[128,128]

Default: [64,64]


Sets the pixel size of the image. Unit: 1 arcsec. Default: PIXEL_SIZE = [1., 1.] arcsec


Sets the start and end time in seconds for the reconstructed image. For example:

IDL>hessi_image, image, param, TIME_RANGE=[0., 2.]

Default: TIME_RANGE = [0.,4.] sec


Sets the offset of map center from the sun center. For example:

IDL>hessi_image, image, param, IMAGE_DIM=[64,64], XYOFFSET=[600,200], PIXEL_SIZE = [2.,2.]

Will reconstruct an image with the map center at <600,200> arcecs, with a map size of 256 arcsec. Default: XYOFFSET = [600.,200.] arcsec

Using the HESSI simulator

Simulated data can be used to reconstruct images. The simulated data is created by specifying simulation parameters. The most important are:

All simulation parameters are described in the reference manual.


Sets the detectors used in the simulation. Same format and default as A2D_INDEX_MASK above.


Defines the model used to creeate simulated data. It is usually a 2D square array. Example:

IDL>model = FltArr( 64, 64 )
IDL>model[50,50] = 1
IDL>hessi_image, image, param, SIM_MODEL=model

The default is a 64 by 64 pixel array with two point sources, the first at [32,32], the second at [20,20].


: Number of photons to shoot at each collimator per second, before losses due to grids and time_profile. For example:

IDL>hessi_image, image, param, SIM_MODEL=model, SIM_PHOTON=40000L


Sets the pixel size used by the model. Same format and default as PIXEL_SIZE above.


Start and end time used by the simulation Same format and default as TIME_RANGE above.


Sets the UT start time of the simulation.For example:

IDL>hessi_image, image, param, SIM_UT_REF=AnyTim( '


Sets the offset of map center from the sun center. Same format and default as XYOFFSET above.

A. Csillaghy