HESSI Science Theatre
What are Coronal Mass Ejections and how are they related to solar flares and supernovae? HESSI's lead scientist Bob Lin explain
s these solar phenomena. (Real Video)
Lin explains how HESSI's research affects us on Earth (583 Kb .mov)
HESSI's Launch Vehicle - (3.42 Mb .avi) The three-stage Pegasus launch vehicle will be carried by an aircraft approxamately 40,000 feet over the open ocean where it will be releas
ed into freefall for 5 seconds before igniting its first stage rocket motor. With the aerodynamic lift generated by its delta wing, the rocket will place HESSI in orbit in about ten minutes Orbital Sciences C
orporation is the manufacturer of the Pegasus.
| Events
Groundstation Groundbreaking Ceremony
September 23, 1998
Satellite Dish Arrives at SSL October 4, 1999
Spacecraft Bus arrives from Spectrum Astro
January 16, 2000
Test Anomaly during routing battery of tests at Jet
Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. HESSI
sustains significant structural damage and returns to
Space Sciences Laboratory for damage assessment.
March 24, 2000
-HESSI given the go-ahead by the
Goddard Program Management Council after reviewing the
mission's viability following the mishap in March
at JPL. See "Status & Events" section for timeline since then.