Working Groups
Working Group 1: Energy Transfer Throughout a Solar Eruptive Event (Frank Eparvier, Amir Caspi)
Working Group 2: Global Energetics of an Ensemble of Events (Brian Dennis, Claire Raftery)
Working Group 3: Coronal Influences to the Lower Atmosphere/Seismic Waves (Alexander Warmuth, Adam Kowalski)
Working Group 4: CME Initiation and Type II Radio Bursts (Astrid Veronig, Hazel Bain)
Working Group 5: The Release of Energetic Particles in the Low Corona: Shock or Reconnection? (Alexis Rouillard, Rami Vainio)
Working Group 6: Flows vs. Waves - Does it Matter? (Ineke De Moortel, Hui Tian)
Working Group 7: Microflares and Nanoflares (Iain Hannah, Nicki Viall)